Here we have our short films from our adventures. In the past years we’ve gone into the Maze District in Canyonlands, up to Alaska, and other exciting destinations. Here’s a taste:
Our wedding was held high up in the La Sal mountains and started a two week journey across the Four Corners. Although video wasn’t our purpose, I grabbed enough footage to throw together a quickie.
K3 – Wedding to Desert from Klain Channel on Vimeo.
Last spring we had a chance to explore a little known route through Grand Gulch, Cedar Mesa. What a trip!
Grand Gulch Adventures, April 2014 from Klain Channel on Vimeo.
When no one expects the roads to be clear there’s a good chance of getting permits. This time, in February, we were able to snag permits and do the entire White Rim on short notice.
Cruising the White Rim Road in February, 2014 from Klain Channel on Vimeo.
Winter is always a great time to explore Abby’s Country. In this case, it was very cold and snowy, but we still managed to have a blast.
Winter Solstice in the Needles, Canyonlands NP from Klain Channel on Vimeo.
Hey Kim, you ever been to Capitol Reef? “Well, no…” What else are we doing on the 4th of July? “Exactly.” — I love this girl.
Utah back of beyond – 4th of July rain fiesta! from Klain Channel on Vimeo.
This past year I was fortunate enough to travel to the Great White North with my father, uncle and cousin. It was the end of the Sockeye run and the beginning of the Coho run, which means it was prime time for some Klain salmon slaying!
AK13 – The Klains take on Lake Creek Lodge from Klain Channel on Vimeo.
A few years ago I travelled to the Maze District in Canyonlands for the first time. I was still in college, yet my father let me borrow his truck, Graham let me borrow a camera, and Jesse was camp cook. All that combined? One hilarious ridiculous trip. In the video you’ll see some of the best archaeological sites in the Southwest as well as some musings from us boneheads. (Note: things have changed…obviously, so the credits are a bit dated)
Into The Maze from Klain Channel on Vimeo.